Tara Woods has been an Exclusive Luxury Community since 1981. Every homeowner has the right to enjoy the privileges associated with living in the community and they also have the responsibility to respect the rights of their neighbors to have peace and privacy. Our community allows homeowners to rent their homes on both a long-term and short-term (less than 30 days) basis. Short term rentals have demonstrated that irresponsible rental practices will disrupt harmony between our owners. Accordingly, the community reviewed the breadth of rental related complaints from neighbors and worked with owners who rent to develop a set of rules and requirements for short-term rentals in the community that were adopted in Article VIII of the Covenants.
VIII.A Establishes a Rental Control Committee to manage the rental authorization process, complaint resolution process, and Rental Guidelines.
VIII.B Establishes conditions and restrictions for short-term rentals.
VIII.C Establishes a complaint resolution process.
VIII.D Establishes due process rights and responsibilities for owners who rent.
In addition to the Covenant provisions, this process also developed a set of Rental Guidelines to assist owners by explaining the context and implementation processes for Article VIII and to reflect best rental management practices that have worked in our community. Owners who intend to rent must commit to follow the Rental Guidelines to rent their home on a short-term basis in Tara Woods. Annually, on or before October 1, the Committee will provide the community an assessment of rental activities, complaint history, and any updates recommended for the Tara Woods Rental Guidelines.